Electro-Optical Tracking Systems

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Our latest range of Electro Optical (EO) Systems leverages the years of experience and proven technologies to deliver the most advanced electro optics systems with cutting edge features, hardware, and software. They are highly rugged yet extremely accurate field proven systems with very low maintenance required even under harsh environmental conditions.. These Electro Optical Systems are ideally suited for detection, tracking, classification / recognition, and identification, at night and day even in poor visibility conditions. These systems allow automatic detection and tracking of all conventional and asymmetric threats. They can be used in stand-alone mode or integrated into the existing combat system.

Some of the major areas where these systems find application are as follows:

  • Airports Protection and Security
  • Protection of sensitive facilities (including defence and research facilities)
  • Border Control and Surveillance
  • Coastal and Perimeter Surveillance and Reconnaissance
  • Protection of forces

The EO systems can be mounted on various equipment like armoured vehicles, fixed or elevations mast, roof tops and even on marine vessel.

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